Looking back on that trip after a year has passed me by; I have realized that our bike trip was much more than just pedaling our way down the coast.
Way back in 1984, when I was just 21 years old and obsessed with rock climbing (and pissed off with my ex-girl friend), I stuffed $300 (all of my savings) into my wallet and headed West on a Greyhound bus (sounds like a country song). About 4 days later, I was sleeping on pine needles in Yosemite Valley. I had a photocopy of a map from an old National Geographic magazine & enough oatmeal to last me the summer. I was set for life.
I spent the summer living on about $3 a day (it was easy to skip out on campground fees back in those days when you were a backpacker). Living so simply allowed me to climb, hike and enjoy the mountains everyday – no distractions. That trip drove home my love for the mountains that has been with me my whole life. Yosemite Valley is firmly implanted in my brain forever.
OK, back to present.
Our 2006 “One Gear One Coast” bike trip is also firmly implanted in my brain cells for similar reasons. Casey Shimizu and I decided to stripped away all of the bullshit and just focus on the ride – no distractions.
So, we packed lightly and rode simply.
This allowed us to solely focus on the movement of the bike through some incredible scenery.
Most of those five days of traveling down the coast are really just a blur in my mind, but certain sections of the trip still remain very clear in my memory. Times when work is rough, I often think about us three hammering our way towards San Diego as I also think about my many “sleeping under the stars” nights during my summer in Yosemite.
At the end of the day, only four things really matter in life - family, friends, health and memories. So get on that bike and go. Keep your trips simple. Memories of fine adventures will last you a lifetime.
For Casey Shimizu’s description of his single speed adventure, please read “The Original Ride” - http://straightchain.com/information.php?info_id=5&osCsid=1ed203f12633be1452b2fa9bf80bca96
7-Layer Bars in Laguna Beach! How about that recipe to go along with the Gorp. I remember you refusing to eat that Nature Valley bar, even as the energy was draining out of you.
interesting reading... I'll get started.
Great storiee. Cool shirts.
Were the hills tough?
Some hills took a strout effort to jam over, but coming down the backside was way fun.
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